We like pickled eggs & we like pubs.
We really like pubs that sell pickled eggs.
& we make our own pickled eggs too!

This site was always supposed to be about pubs that sell pickled eggs, but somewhere along the way, we got sidetracked into the dark-dark world of the picked egg in general. Originally the site was just a simple list of pubs that still sell pickled eggs. Then came the pickled egg shop where you can buy some snappy gear for your pickled eggs loving friend. Then later we found some pickled egg videos on the YouTube and made a page to showcase them.

Then people started asking us questions! So we gave them an FAQ page. We have found a lot of good pickled eggs stuff out there so we gave the world a links page which we will add to as we can.

Pickled Eggs are an acquired taste really

Pickled Gifts

We got bills to pay, so if you have someone in your life who you love more than anythinng, then why not get them the gift that keeps on giving. For everythinig you buy, we make a few pennies, which goes to help pay our hosting costs, so whatever you get, thanks, we really appreciate it.

We have loads of clothing for men, women & children and for the person who is too embarrased to wear their love out in the open, we also have a few cool accessories, perfect for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Father's Day, Mother's Day or just a plain old birthday!

Come on you egg chefs!

How to Make Pickled Eggs

For those of you who want to know how to make pickled eggs, we have written a thorough 'write-up' of our very own pickled egg recipe. It's tex based, so it's good to print out. But if you want to know how to make pickled eggs easily, with a few nice pictures then click here to try our simple version. We hope you enjoy what you find!

Pubs That Sell Pickled Eggs

Until we get our act together, why not have a look at the website of our friends at Hairy Bar Snacks, The Pork Scratching Website

hairy bar snacks pork scratchings website

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